
Does anyone have the specs regarding write protocols, MBC quirks, Flash chip part numbers etc... on the nanoloop carts?

There aren't many of us in the hardware development scene and unfortunately some of the others don't like to share their 'secrets'.

BennVenn wrote:

Just got hold of a few of the older flash carts, including an EMS32M (GB SMART 32M) - Full support for this cart has been confirmed.

man you are an absolute legend

I still haven't upgraded my Squinson firmware yet—hopefully soon. Pretty keen to get something other than LSDJ onto my EMS cart.


Cheers mate,
Let me know if you have any issues - I'll release the latest software version this weekend, you can still use the EMS64 menu to flash your 32M cart in the interim.


Wouldnt a nanoloop cart be supporting "piracy"?

Last edited by herr_prof (Nov 20, 2015 3:23 pm)

herr_prof wrote:

Wouldnt a nanoloop cart be supporting "piracy"?

Not if it's solely for the purpose of backing up the sav-files.Not even sure if it's possible to overwrite the nanoloop carts, escpeially the old ones, nanoloop ONE you can back up via the nanoloop USB adapter. And ripping the ROM wouldn't work so good either since it's depending on the carts special hardware.


Ah good point!

nordloef wrote:
BennVenn wrote:

Just got hold of a few of the older flash carts, including an EMS32M (GB SMART 32M) - Full support for this cart has been confirmed. Adding support for the obscure PocketVoice Cart in the coming days.

My Smartboy cart will be arriving soon so I'll code support for that too. I think thats just about all of the more common carts supported.

Still need to find some nanoloop carts to play with...

Support for nanoloop carts would've been the best thing ever. Especially 1.3 and 1.2.

i would love support on 1.3