Worth pointing out that these cartridges should work fine with any other flasher you can buy right now. Also I just noticed the battery is missing so saving won't work!

Would you be interested in trading? I'm mostly just interested in documenting old/obsolete hardware. I could trade for an EZ Flash Jr. which is SD based, or something else? Either way, no big deal.

This is the source I've compiled on Mac, not sure exactly on Linux but it says it works: https://github.com/cubicstyle/gbcartfla … .1_libftdi

That is a "bleepbloop usb" cartridge. What OS are you using? You can compile the flasher for mac or linux, but on mac you have to do some funkiness to get macos to not mount the serial interface with it's default driver.

Just a heads up, I'm not totally sure but the images in your post aren't loading for me. The images on bandcamp work fine however!


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Just connect via usb, it doesn't work over DIN AFAIK. I've heard web midi on windows is a little tricky and doesn't work, one user reported having to use their android phone to do it. Not totally sure!

Web editor is compatible, the new version added DIN but still has USB MIDI smile


(15 replies, posted in M8)

Trash80 is working on the second "production" run but it's looking like it's still months away. This is the only reason for not selling more, not because anyone doesn't want you to have one!

In the mean time, he's released a "headless" firmware which allows you to buy a Teensy 4.1 and run the M8 code on it and control everything over USB (including display output). This is a great option since you can take full advantage of M8, just not portable. Then when the production run happens, you can simply buy one and transfer your songs over! See this for more info: https://github.com/DirtyWave/M8HeadlessFirmware

Just wanted to say we've got Jamatar's GENajam make into some nice hardware that's now for sale. His work here is really incredible.

More info: https://catskullelectronics.com/product … by-jamatar

Or check out his github link above!

Sorry, you need to use my fork of the code which changes the button from an input to an input_pullup: https://github.com/catskull/Arduinoboy

That used to be on the product page but got removed at some point. I've added it back now.

Sorry I missed this, but glad you got it figured out! I'm a bad person to ask but if you were to blindfold me, I would not be able to tell the difference between the AY or the YM. I'm sure purists out there that have spent a lot of time with the chips will tell me I'm wrong, which is fine!

Also trash80 designed and coded the whole thing, not me! Thanks to him! SID synths aren't as interesting to me, just because the chips are hard to come by. I guess now that there are implementations of it in FPGA and microcontrollers, maybe that would be worth checking out? For YM2612, I guess genMDM gets pretty far there, especially with Jamatar's genaJam that I'll be releasing soon.

Really awesome overview! Loved the video, subscribed.


(19 replies, posted in Atari)

Oh, I missed that part. Didn't realize it used both ports, in that case getting it working on a genMDM would be quite a bit more tricky.


(19 replies, posted in Atari)

Membrandt wrote:


is there any chance to get hold of the MIDI interface perceived by little scale?

http://little-scale.blogspot.com/2013/0 … c.html?m=1

Unfortunately I have zero soldering skills and I would like to buy an assembled unit. Does anyone have a spare one to sell?


Looks like the code could be flashed to a genMDM with little to no changes. You'd need a separate 2600 flash cart of some kind though.

Huh, interesting. Since the link cable can be plugged in either way, it's possible you have the link cable plugged in the wrong way on the arduinoboy. Have you tried flipping it around? It won't damage anything. If that doesn't work, I'll just send out a replacement unit to you!

Hey! Feel free to email [email protected] for help here, I hate to muddy up a public space with my product support!

That said, can you try it with the link cable plugged in to the GBC but not the arduinoboy? Possible the link cable is defective. I've seen this issue when the link cable draws too much power and causes the gameboy to brownout, but the arduinoboy pro shouldn't draw any power from the gameboy!