Edinburgh, Scotland

Some of you may remember this.

I managed to sell the KP and the MicroKontrol
But this just wont budge... Everyone interested seems to stop contacting when its pay time.


The box is a mess but the mixer hasn't actually been used more than 2-3 times.

PM your interest.

Last edited by Famikiller (Jan 20, 2010 11:08 pm)

New York City

Is this the one you connect to the computer?
I used to want one, it's pretty neat.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Sorry man, its the older model. No usb or firewire.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Wow, tough crowd


man, can you please respond to emails?
i was wondering if you'd sent of the microkontrol yet..
cheers smile

Edinburgh, Scotland
epichunt wrote:

man, can you please respond to emails?
i was wondering if you'd sent of the microkontrol yet..
cheers smile

It's getting sent out tomorrow.

The ques were ridiculious on wednesday and I have time to wait in it. And as I said before the sale, with college I wouldn't be able to ship today.
It's boxed up and ready to go.

Liverpool, UK

If no-one bites, my offer (as PMd) still stands lol kthx

Edinburgh, Scotland

Alright, But I aint offering free shipping boy!