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Star Feild (1 bit) / Music / Jredd's music / Star Feild (1 bit)

Star Feild (1 bit)

By Jredd on Aug 20, 2010 11:06 am

This song uses beepola 1.5 using the savage engine. In some ways I still can't get it to always do what I want, I don't know if it is due to bugs in the program or my lack of understanding, either way the end result isn't too bad tongue.

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

Member has requested constructive criticism

LOL! I'll get it to you soon, Yerzmyey! I'll send you a pm when I can. smile

Tap tap tap. Where is TAP?? smile

Thanks guys! Ccowley, I sent the bbsong file to you through a pm. Check your inbox if you want it smile.

It sounds really cool, especially percussion part and synth toms.

Very nice Jredd. This is quite a complex, but very flexible 1bit engine (and is set to get more so in the future as there are a couple of currently unsupported FX and ornamentation features that will be added soon) - but you've made it work well smile Particularly like the chords at the end - very cinematic!

oh soo short... why? this has potential for an epic oldschooler.
btw well it's hard to get savage to do what you want. the engine seems to work more or less correctly. but using ornaments can be very tricky because they mess up the other channel.

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