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Welcome to Mollypops (kingdom?)! / Music / 0b111's music / Welcome to Mollypops (kingdom?)!

Welcome to Mollypops (kingdom?)!

By 0b111 on Apr 17, 2015 3:25 pm

This is an opening track, i think it sounds a bit adventurous.

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

@Msx thank you!!

Awesome! I love it.

Thank you everyone! big_smile

incredible!! love the sweet base thing at 1:08

This rules

like it, if there was some shuffle on the drums I would have been even more into it.

That vocal sounding synth that comes in at 1:07 is tight as F%^&.

@ChipMusic thank you! smile

This is great! smile

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