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Dark Twilight / Music / Dyuym's music / Dark Twilight

Dark Twilight

By Dyuym on Aug 14, 2024 4:17 pm

In the shadow whisper low
Nighttime secrets start to grow
Neon lights they flicker slow
Where the mystic breezes flow

Echoes dance in midnight's spite
Glowing dreams in black and white
Crystal tears in pixel light
Witching hour claims the night

In the dark in the deep
Where the secrets never sleep
Feel the beat feel the rise
In the moonlight’s sweet surprise

Haunted valleys haunted hearts
Electric pulses static starts
Lurking spirits never part
Woven web of lover’s art

Midnight whispers dark embrace
From the shadows we can't trace
In the night we find our place
Lost in time and endless space

In the dark in the deep
Where the secrets never sleep
Feel the beat feel the rise
In the moonlight’s sweet surprise

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

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