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Gamestop Bunny (Gone terribly wrong) / Music / MisfitChris's music / Gamestop Bunny (Gone terribly wrong)

Gamestop Bunny (Gone terribly wrong)

By MisfitChris on Apr 29, 2010 2:16 am

So I sat down for a few hours and committed to an attempt at that gamestop thing. The result was/is funny although not terribly surprising. My mind often wanders so what started off as a solid aim for the gamestop theme, turned into well.... MisfitChris wank. So I guess this was supposed to be some bunny fighting in Japan? It kind of turned into what I envision as a bunny.... going around japan getting wasted and mackin on bitches. FUNCOLAND FOR LIFE

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

RIP Funcoland, your slow death at the hands of those Gamestop butchers will be remembered!

LOL funcoland. are those still around? i haven't seen one in years.

"MisfitChris wank" is the best part about this. Swingin'!

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