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MAJOR_MIDI_GROOVE.mid / Music / Sanczo Zapiekanka's music / MAJOR_MIDI_GROOVE.mid


By Sanczo Zapiekanka on Aug 29, 2018 7:01 pm

I'm looking for destructive criticism.

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

Member has requested constructive criticism

I like what you have so far, it sounds like it could make a good funky song. I think that you should build to a peak with what you have right here, and then have a real quiet part, with maybe a few slow chords with no drums or bass or anything else. You could also just loop it and make a decent background song for like a casino scene. It depends on what you want the final song to be.

You need to login to leave a comment. / Music / Sanczo Zapiekanka's music / MAJOR_MIDI_GROOVE.mid