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Flying On a Sunbeam / Music / Soleviio's music / Flying On a Sunbeam

Flying On a Sunbeam

By Soleviio on Jun 29, 2012 4:06 pm

This is my first track made using LSDJ. Any constructive criticism is welcome! Hope you all enjoy.

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)

Member has requested constructive criticism

I'm a bit late, but thanks for all the comments everyone! This seems like such a wonderful community, and I'm super stoaked to get to know you guys and put out some more tracks! smile Y2k, to answer your question, I kind of just sit down at the piano until I can come up with a main melody that's catchy and memorable, and expand the track around that. That's essentially how I've approached composition since I started writing music, and it seems that the principle remains the same with LSDJ! Glad you enjoyed it, man. big_smile

Very nice, I must wonder, what was your thought process while making this, what did you envision this tune going to, its very well made, and seems in the boundaries the NES sound chip could preform, 2 square waves , a triangle, noise generator, compressed sample, i find it very catchy, a nice bookmark, and wonderful for a first post!

you can only wank so much to this... and if this is your first track dan you gona be fameuss my son.

nice one especially like the part at 0:50 and the one after

Holy mother of god. I'm I'm love

1:50 on, this all the way to town

dude if this is your first track you're gonna become a beast
seriously my first track really the worst

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