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Splinters off a Falling Star / Music / Starpilot's music / Splinters off a Falling Star

Splinters off a Falling Star

By Starpilot on Sep 12, 2010 2:16 pm

here's a techno tune i've been workin on that contains 8-bit elements....not sure if it belongs here, but i guess it can fall into the category of "fakebit" (if one wishes to put everything into inescapable boxes and plaster with slanderous labels)..... for more music, videos, and info on upcoming gigs.

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Member has requested constructive criticism

i like the general idea here, maybe some more variation in the drums would be nice, you could probably layer some more drum sounds on it to give it some more oomph; those 808 drums sound very snappy but there's not much mid or low range so it could use some support. kick drum is getting swallowed up by the bass as well, i would compress the bass using the kick as a sidechain key so it stands out, either that or it needs more high frequency content. I like the delay on the arpegiating synth but it sounds like it's a bit too loud, i would turn down the return volume on the delay a bit until it sits better. Besides that it's pretty cool!

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