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Beethoven's Symphony No 5 on ZX Spectrum :-P / Music / YERZMYEY's music / Beethoven's Symphony No 5 on ZX Spectrum :-P

Beethoven's Symphony No 5 on ZX Spectrum :-P

By YERZMYEY on Mar 18, 2019 10:13 pm

It's a ZX Spectrum cover of Beethoven's Symphony No 5 in C minor, Op 67 (fragment).

Made with ZX Spectrum 48K + AY-interface.

I made this from hearing; sorry about that. :-P

Tfarde diho rulez.

Appeared in the program: The Lost Party Invitro 2019 by HOOY-PROGRAM & Piesiu. Coded by Hellboi.

This submission is licensed by author under Copyright All rights reserved

Thank You very much. :->

Lol that's great!

heh, thanks a lot. ;-)

This is unbelievably sick. heart

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