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YM DIGITAL - Quantum Fluctuations (Atari ST) / Music / YERZMYEY's music / YM DIGITAL - Quantum Fluctuations (Atari ST)

YM DIGITAL - Quantum Fluctuations (Atari ST)

By YERZMYEY on Feb 18, 2013 7:57 pm

Hi, this time something for MOD-music fans.

A song from our the newest album - "White mouse ate a cat" (downloadable from here: ).

ATARI 520ST with YM chip.
This song requires 2Mb of RAM to work.
Also, it has 6 channels.
Frequency: 22 755 Hz.
Made with:
- HEX-Tracker on Atari 520ST
- Octalyser on Atari 1040STe
Vocoder vocals by YERZMYEY.

Recorded from real hardware: Atari 520ST.

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

Thanks guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. wink

love that italo/laserdance vibe

Oh my god, this is fantastic! big_smile

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