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You shall fall down at length in your weeping / And bathe your sad face in the tears. / Music / carlschultz's music / You shall fall down at length in your weeping / And bathe your sad face in the tears.

You shall fall down at length in your weeping / And bathe your sad face in the tears.

By carlschultz on Jun 8, 2023 12:08 pm

Poem "The Fountain of Tears" by Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy, nicely and tearfully recited by tweedledee3:

Also features "windup molasses" that k7 so nicely compiled into "aural fabrics" and put on tapes some years ago smile I still treasure those tapes!

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You need to login to leave a comment. / Music / carlschultz's music / You shall fall down at length in your weeping / And bathe your sad face in the tears.