Up In The Sky
By ecce homo on Jul 6, 2014 9:31 pm
I'm dumping the crappy live demos I did last night for my new album on here. There are mostly one-takes live with an SM58 and lame acoustic pickup. I'd appreciate feedback on the LSDJ stuff. I am relatively new to LSDJ and for this project I'm keeping it really simple, trying to get the feel of a backing band. Anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks.
PS: Take it easy on the vocals cuz I know a lot of them are bad.
This is actually from a different session and it is not live, but I didn't re-record it this time. So, it's got post-processing and harmony and whatnot. Anyway, maybe it's douchey to clog up the board like this, so sorry about that. I would really like your guys' feedback before I get in the studio because I'm going to be spending a lot of money on this and I want it to be really good Thanks!
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