571 [CB082] Offbrand - Comeback
by cheapshot
572 Old School Rave n' 8-bit
by chiptraxxx
573 chunter - What You Did
by chunter
575 sadnes - Trapper Keeper
by O2star
576 BITEMAP I PLOM - Essential Nerd Tools
by Bitemap
578 Memorias y Movimientos EP - Crab Sound
by Cangrejo
579 Monotony - ETERNAL SLUMBER PARTY (Nanoloop 2.7.9)
by Monotony
580 Sinergy ( Heavy 8 bit album!)
by IDecade
581 infradead nanocash (bunch of old nanovoice based songs)
by infradead
583 New Dungeon Synth album made with Dexed (DX7 emulator)
by garvalf
584 Saskrotch - Zones: Act 1
by Saskrotch
585 Run From Reality release on Pterodactyl Squad
by Hide Your Tigers
586 A new duality micro release on bc
by dualitymicro
587 Eggstempo:NAN0B1TS EP out now!!
by Eggstempo
589 [FN_49] Nick R 61 & Kendall Wa - King's Cross
by Fusion Netlabel
590 A new duality micro release on bc
by dualitymicro
591 ow2bkool NEW PREORDER
by Kool Skull
592 Chip Champion - DOSTECH
by Chip Champion
593 [CB081] Th4 D34D - Future 2612
by cheapshot
594 [FN_48] Soletik - Directional
by Fusion Netlabel
595 [FN_47] VA - Fusion Compilation 10
by Fusion Netlabel
596 SEAL OF QUALITY - L'éternité LP
by seal of quality
597 A new duality micro single release on bc
by dualitymicro
598 Holiday Music Sale!
by 8bitweapon
599 Blue Navi – Cafe Zone
by purelygrey
600 [CP082] FMV - Another Crack World