oh and by sucks at things i mean is really too good at performing, blacklisted for being too good. never again.
This was great, currently waking up from crashing at Dino's with some people while sore as fuck from moving and lost my voice from screaming at people when playing Uno at the bar
dixls you suck mad dixls
Had a great time dancing, had some good pointers in the workshop, and my husband got pretty drunk! Oh, and thank goodness they had those earplugs! I forgot mine in the car
totally had a killer time with you all, big ups to every single head there. naming names isnt even fair because that was such a group effort, especially getting everything up and running and broken down too, you dont always see that kind of coordination at shows. it seemed like a lotta people met a lot of other people last night and that was really great to see too but damn, every single performance was so great. love to see disassembler do a set (we forgot to do nanoloop shoptalk!), and right after that it was especially intense to bring a new era of tss in like that. and trash80, shit man...you friggin got some energy outta me and got me dancin when i thought i was cashed out!~ all the open mic acts were seriously killer too. most fun i've had in a while! thank you philly, thank you wawa based god.
Had a great time dancing, had some good pointers in the workshop, and my husband got pretty drunk! Oh, and thank goodness they had those earplugs! I forgot mine in the car
Introduce yourselves to all us next time! Glad you guys had a good time and welcome!
ALSO this show was totally worth the wait in trifecta: Been waiting for sets there from ALL THREE ACTS and they each totally delivered. Killer booking and an 8static highlight for sure
Also fuck you guys I AM THE UNO MASTER. (don't listen to brian)
Yo an0va i heard you liked posting things in threads.
no but seriously this was an awesome good time.
Introduce yourselves to all us next time! Glad you guys had a good time and welcome!
I have Asperger's (LOL, ASS-BURGERS) and I get anxious and nervous when speaking to new people! Next time maybe :3
Yo an0va i heard you liked posting things in threads.
no but seriously this was an awesome good time.
I'm trying to make up for your serious lack of forum game.
chipocrite wrote:Yo an0va i heard you liked posting things in threads.
no but seriously this was an awesome good time.
I'm trying to make up for your serious lack of forum game.
oh, snap!
Seriously, such a great experience. Hope to do it again soon! You are all rad
This was an amazing 8static! I haven't been proud of playing a set in a very long time! You guys were awesome! I know this was a good 8static because my neck and back are still sore!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/su1droot/6 … 478271504/
ben took awesome pics too!
and i feel ya about bein sore, ahaha. i have about 17 bruises on my legs from hittin em with the butt ends of the sticks..but totally worth it :3