Dear friends,
As you should probably know by now, we have been working on the “Europe in 8 bits” documentary for almost a year. The process in such projects is always slow and difficult, even more considering that we have been self-financing it so far. Nevertheless, we are very glad with how everything is coming together and we are delighted with the feedback we have received.
At the moment we are very near to finishing shooting and we have decided to start a worldwide crowdfunding campaign with the aid of the Spanish website Verkami. We are looking for the involvement of as many people as possible in order to have the best result with the film. In case that you don’t know what this campaign is about, crowdfunding is asking a group of people to donate a small amount of money for a specific cause, in exchange of various rewards.
We need your support and we would like to achieve our campaign goal within the next 40 days ☺ Here is the link where we explain in detail the project, how you can support as and what can you get in exchange of your donation.
The documentary is very advanced at this stage. You can watch a couple of videos about it in these links: mbediframe
I must say that I am honestly very proud of the work of the whole technical team so far, it has been hard considering the conditions that we experienced, but it has been an amazing adventure that we won’t ever forget.
Thank you very much for your constant support and your expression of interest.