The biggest issue I have is my ability to drive myself to work on my art writing or music, or I have to many ideas at once going on. What are your guys preping tips to help really cut into it and keep the work flowing instead of dying out and walking away a lot.
- listen to songs I like, try to dissect what they did right
my fanz, shout 2 all ma boiz
really though
anything visual or sonorous that is enjoyable . it's mainly inspiration that motivates me .
- listen to songs I like, try to dissect what they did right
I have tried a lack of stimulation and music I am really into that made me want to make music but then I get to into that instead of working. The Ep I wrote was wIth a friend and well I drank a lot and had to force it and now I have a negative feeling towards it and I don't want that. I don't mind forcing myself to work cus you have to some times. I just don't want it to feel forced 100%. I also want my next Ep to be organic and to rep the roots of myself.
Yea the drive to want to preform helps but I can't preforme if I don't write ahhaha
Last edited by KidLion (May 2, 2012 2:24 am)
Sometimes I'll listen to a song (might not even be one that I like) and there'll be one element in there that I think is really cool, so I try and write a song based around that element. Other times an idea will just pop into my head during the most unexpected moments (shower, toilet, math class, an all-day tour of a city) and if I can write it down quick enough it becomes a song.
Last edited by VCMG (May 2, 2012 2:34 am)
Things that motivate people: Sex, Religion, Economy, Social Status, Life Threatening Circumstances
Try to get involved with one of those...
Things that motivate people: Sex, Religion, Economy, Social Status, Life Threatening Circumstances
Try to get involved with one of those...
I eliminated most of those in emotional breakdown. Guess I should have something of a life to creat right? Then again what I do make in the time I do sit and work most the time moves me in a good way and feels me.
returning to a genre i havent really been into, and digging deep into said genre
- listen to songs I like, try to dissect what they did right
yeah same here !
Beside that, I am motivated when ppl throw me some time challenges and stuffs, when I'm angry or sad (throw the shit on the tracker so I feel better after this ! ;P) or when I show off some tricks to someone else !
I hear a good song, get inspired
yeah - listening to music or talking about it with someone else will always get stuff moving inside the brain. - i get tons of ideas from talking with dino lionetti (from cheap dinosaurs) or from talking to Chipocrite or an0va or some of the cool people on here
I find that i also get motivation from non-musicial stimuli or visual art in my environment...
when i feel stuck i change mediums - try to draw, program, etc. that usually works because it lets your mind focus on functioning a different way - when you come back to music you feel fresh.
but... most creative outpourings happen when you are relaxed and not letting your Logic side dictate things too much.
A scientific study found that jazz musicians turn the logic center of their brain off when they're improvising - maybe try to turn the logic off so you can get some crazy shit flowing through your dome.
Here's a great book with some enlightening things about creativity: … 0547386079
Last edited by animalstyle (May 2, 2012 3:12 am)
Oh man thanks! Haha I'm super logic based in everything i do. I'll most deff check it out.