For others with zero Commodore experience that have the C64TPC I put the stuff I've been playing with in a "Starter Kit" zip.
- D64 Editor: has to be the most user friendly and intuitive tool for converting disk images etc
- ".d64-ized" copy of CynthCart 1.2.4
From the prg available on the official website
- a bunch of tunes from the "X 2004 comp" pulled out into individual d64s (as well as the original complete d64 that I couldn't figure out how to navigate) for fast loading some tuneage. Some graphics might not work properly but all the tunes sound great.
Link to the zip: … =0&d=1
On my Win98se machine I had to use version 2.6.10 or earlier of GTK+ runtime environment from this page: … _id=121281 (Thanks for clearing that up, Ahmet!!!)
On my WinXP machine with a serial/usb adapter it runs fine but I did have to adjust the port settings as mentioned in the C64TPC help menu.
Software stuff:
Cybertracker and Ninjatracker load but everything seems to freeze when doing anything that accesses the disk.
Most demos either don't load or are jacked up in some way (I think that's been mentioned on here already). Some do work tho.
JohnTracker seems to work just fine as do all games I've tried and CynthCart. Haven't tried SDI or JHC yet.
I'll update this when I get around to re-trying more trackers...
Last edited by egr (Jan 12, 2010 3:18 pm)