By the magic of decapping a 2a03, additional hidden "TEST" features were found on at least a couple revisions of the 2a03 on pin 30. Not everything has been fully tested to determine all capabilities, which revisions of 2a03 contain the set of TEST features, or if the PAL 2a07 and its revisions have any TEST features at all. Among the known features there is extended APU function in addresses $4018 through $401A. Registers $4018 through $401A are readable. When read those registers supply the current values of the sound channels. Interestingly enough, when the first 4 bits of $401A are written to it changes the position of the triangle channel. In laymans terms, it allows for 4-bit PCM on the triangle channel. Why was this feature conceived and hidden? The 7th bit of $401A locks all sound channels if turned on.
Related post here. More technical details are explained within.
Not much testing has been done as of yet, but there are great possibilities for demoscene productions and these functions. Also there may be additional functions undiscovered with the TEST pin given voltage that we are all unaware to the possibilities.