
hi, im putting together a compilation of Grimey/Heavy chiptune tunes on cassette to sell on my site.

if anyone is interested in putting a track on it please let us know!

the sales will only cover production cost, so its just for promotion for anyone that wants in smile


one song i really want on it is comptroller - crack pinocchio...
cant seem to fiind a contact anywere though..


Puerto Rico

Count me in please!
Any deadline?

The Hollow Earth

Sweet! Any other requirements like length, file format, etc....?


Would be really cool. Only thing cooler then Cassette is Vinyl smile
But i also would like to know a Deadline, cause i'm in stress for a big test coming up.

Tulsa, OK
Xuriik wrote:

Count me in please!
Any deadline?


edit: I am making a dark track for this - will be done muy soon! This is a crazy cool project
also: you can use any track of mine that you wish - I will send 3 or 4

Last edited by Jake Allison (May 6, 2012 4:53 am)


Yeah lets say, i want this to be on its way by late may? ill fill you all in when i get an idea of how long its going to take! only want about 10 or 11 tracks ideally,

im putting it on a cassette cus all the "hip" people in london seem to like that format some reason (its got some kind of stigma attached, maybe making them think the music is somehow more valuable because its on a "retro" format) .... and my aim is to target the people around london because i feel its my duty to introduce them to this new "dark" heavy chiptune, because whenever i talk to them about it they talk about all the happy stuff (which dont get me wrong is awesome! but i feel there missing out on this lovely new breed of chiptune)...

thanks nordloef ill get in contact with him, i must have been spelling it wrong.

its none profit really, just covering what it takes to make the tapes (vinyl would be awesome but that might be next!).. and ill be taking it to whatever shows are about, and try and get it in rough trade etc!

as for length etc, anything under 5/6 minutes format can be anything as long as i can get it onto logic so i can make a playlist to put on the cassettes.


witchouse or GTFO : P

nah serious though, i will perhaps submit something.

jakarta, indonesia

i'm in, I was preparing for a track

i hope my song accepted

Last edited by sombreronegro (May 6, 2012 3:06 pm)

Sheffield, UK

Hey matey, the style is right up my street, i use Korg DS-10 for the Nintendo DS, would i be able to submit a track?


yeah sure guys! we will accept whatever, only gunna limit to about 10/11 tracks so it doesnt get too big, easier to concentrate i guess if theres less. but ill show the songs around for a couple of days on like the 25th of may and see what people "vibe" with the most, then ill get them going.

so yeah just email us when your happy with your submission smile

Tulsa, OK

I really want to make it on!

The Hollow Earth

OK, I think I'm on board with this! I'll send you something soon.


Still looking for tracks? I would love to contribute!!!

The Hollow Earth

I just sent you a tune!