Milwaukee, WI

Man, my carts going to die any day now.  No way I'm gonna buy a Transferer just for this one cart + I'm holding out for Drag'n Derp.  Does anyone have access to a Transferer and can do me the favor of backing up my 32M EMS cart?  I've had it since like 08 and I've never backed it up... I would just want you to back it up, email me the .sav, and then put something without save capabilities, like MuddyGB or shitwave on it, and send me the cart back of course.  I would cover shipping and could send you a couple extra bucks or a goodie or something.  Please someone put my mind at ease! sad I'm located in Wisconsin.


I can back up the save with my emerger unit, would not be able to flash it though. you could maybe send it to kitsch. Not sure if he has an EMS transfer thing. Let me know if you at least want it backed up

Milwaukee, WI

Cool.  If no one else posts I'll get you for sure!  Already talked to kitsch, his comp is borked or something. sad


hey, if you can't find anybody more local I'll totally do it. nothing worse than cart battery paranoia. I've had like 4 carts die on me so I COMPLETELY sympathize.

Puerto Rico

About how long would you guys say it takes the battery to die?