This is so fucking good. Nothing else to say.
Oh, so this is what they sound like when you're sober. Awesome!
I am currently wading in the shit that I have let loose in my pants since that teaser went up.
So good. So good. So good.
#wasthere #wishiwasstillthere
Guess what:
Ok I guess I'll listen to this only one time and then destroy my computer.
this is really good. must have been a hell of a gig.
amazing. when time machines are invented people are going to go back to this concert BEFORE they kill hitler.
its like mario AND orbital at a rave ! that video is rad. the best part of the release for me is hands down the end and hearing a unsion chant of CONDOM CONDOM CONDOM CONDOM. never thought i'd hear that chant a gig before.....a gangbang maybe ?
Am I uncool for wanting a 'studio' release of this? I enjoyed the tracks, but I want moaar quality (although the recording is really good)