Natty, I'm sure you're fine, and I didn't mean to turn a thread simply announcing your release into an unsolicited critique session. Detecting & correcting subtle pitch differences can be really tricky, and that's no indicator of tone deafness. And headphones can really exacerbate that (and I'm sure that most of us are primarily making music using headphones). Not sure if this is just me or if this is the case with everybody, but in some cases, music I've made that sounds perfectly fine in headphones will sound surprisingly different when later heard through proper speakers, which can reveal problems (mix levels, renegade volumes, pitch issues) that get concealed by headphones. Not sure why this is, scientifically. The impression I get is that headphones can impart what's almost a "virtual compression" effect (which becomes more pronounced as headphone volume increases), wherein elements of a track are perceived as "sitting" well together, and this can mask pitch/volume/mix issues.
Anyway I think it's abundantly clear from your music in general that you've got a good ear and a good sense of melody, consonance, and dissonance. Wrangling samples & getting them to play well together is just tricky, no matter what. Plus if you've got a natural ear for it (and I'm sure you do), it's an easy problem to fix, and then voila -- SILENCE BEFALLS THE COMPLAINERS. 8X