Abandoned on Fire

I floated the idea of having an East and West coast tour circuit for chip artists to a few people at Blip and it seems like this is something that's been trying to exist for quite a while.

This is totally out of my realm of knowledge.  How can we get something like this organized?  This is a conversation worth having, I think.

Last edited by egr (Jun 4, 2012 5:26 pm)


as much as id love to have more guests, our turnouts cant support it at this point and i hate having to see my friends get paid between $0-40 to play chicago
then again, i keep seeing a ton of unfamiliar names on here listing chicago as their city, maybe if those people start coming to gigs, we can fix that

Cambridge UK

Montreal and Boston have good turnouts. How's the West Coast?

rochester, ny

we're always looking for more people to book for our shows in rochester!

attendance drops during the summers since all the college people go home but during the rest of the year 50-100 people is pretty common.

Abandoned on Fire

This is an instance where one of the many failed "community maps" would have come in really handy.


for  while there was a pretty decent east coast touring circuit: mtl, rochester, bos, Salem, nyc, brooklyn, phil, baltimore and there was even ATL, Cicago and DC if one was really motivated. but I think things have factionalized a bit since then.

it's also just not very practical from a turnout perspective  to do all the shows in a row. best successes have been to do that kroute over over the course of a month or so, hitting as many "good days" as possible; weekends, etc.

Last edited by BR1GHT PR1MATE (Jun 4, 2012 5:46 pm)

ohgodno, Indiana
e.s.c. wrote:

as much as id love to have more guests, our turnouts cant support it at this point and i hate having to see my friends get paid between $0-40 to play chicago
then again, i keep seeing a ton of unfamiliar names on here listing chicago as their city, maybe if those people start coming to gigs, we can fix that

Im going to all chip shows i can find in Midwest and imma try to play at some also. So im down to help spread the word around here


my last 3 gigs in chicago (one with br1ght pr1mate, disasterpeace, saskrotch and more) have averaged fewer than 10 people in attendance sad

ohgodno, Indiana

wow, if i would have heard of em i DEF would have been there ( i dont get on the computer much lately )
ivee only done like three shows and it was around that, one was 1 cuz a friend walked by lol

buffalo, NY

I've only had luck touring with good non-chip bands and doing some of the monthly showcases like Pulsewave/8static


it's true. Chicago has been pretty tough. and given the distance, there is no way to justify the expense. sadly too, because venues seem pretty receptive to putting on chip shows.


yeah, though sadly most of those venues also take a huge cut before artists see a dollar... we had 42 people at one gig a while back, turns out we wouldve needed 45 to get paid at all...i was really angry knowing that a handful of people snuck into that one without paying, so we had no cash for the out of towners (besides the little which came out of the chicago crew's pockets)

ohgodno, Indiana

Damn, this area needs to get its "shit together" lol


we had it together for a while... then scene drama, over-reliance on house party gigs, etc...
'08 was a pretty good year for chicago gigs


back more on topic: from what i can tell on the west coast: LA, SD, SF & Portland all seem pretty solid, but i cant attest to their turnouts, so it may just look rosier from the outside... paging wet mango, bleeds, starpause & plainflavored


Atlanta has okay turnouts but there's almost no artists here but I think there could be a really awesome turnout if we could get some more chill peeps to come down south