I made this album for my fans, my own enjoyment, and the pure unadulterated fuck of it.
This album was written and performed in LSDJ off a Gameboy Color and is pretty damn weird. As the title reveals, it is an experimental album. It’s pretty noisy, frantic, and strange. It’s also pretty “all over the place”, so brace yourself for a wild aural ride through fiery pixelated explosions and ethereal rainbow belches, smooth melodies followed by jagged cliffs, alchemical gold and cerebral dust, multi-layered conceptual fuck-fuck-fuckeries and lo-fi frequency distoritions in star-filled temporal space. A masochistic clunk on the head with a heavy chiptune hammer. You might sees stars and galaxies, you might go blind or suffer temporary paralysis.
But, I made it for all of you with love. So enjoy…