
Finally fixed the MIDI Out issue. Turns out pins 4 and 5 were swapped on the layout. I have updated my build doc with the latest board revisions to remedy that. A simple fix for current boards is to just cut a midi cable and swap the wires, or make an adapter cable that does the same thing.

Cleveland, OH

Hey man! Thanks so much for all this info. Can't believe it was so simple and right in front of me! I've got 5 prototypes on the way!
I grabbed the Eagle CAD files so I should be making one of these pretty soon!


Haha 5 damn crazy. Well enjoy! Hope you grabbed the latest ones with the MIDI OUT fix? If not, it's easy to fix with an adapter of some sort. The all-in-one board I'm making I'm rather excited about.

I plan on using a few of them inside a 1U case that also houses a USB-MIDI bridge (GM5x5x5 specifically) to connect everything. That way I can just have USB out the back, and some connectors for the GameLink cable in the front along with maybe an extra MIDI I/O set or two. Should be really nice to keep things nice and clean at home and for live shows.

Cleveland, OH

Hahah yeah man. I've been wanting to do this for years so I've had a lot of ideas. I just figured it would take too much time.
So I've got these 5 little prototypes on the way then after that I'll be making some Shield Boys(got the latest file) and some LSDjMC2s.

Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Jun 25, 2012 3:27 pm)


Awesome! Let me know if you run into any problems and I'll do my best to help!

Cleveland, OH

Thanks man! I appreciate it!