540, VA

Hey guys!

So this is my first chiptune with LSDJ and a DMG. still learning the program but any feedback is a pleasure.  Would love to learn some new techniques and learn maybe what not to do.  Happy listening!

Granada, Spain

Just awesome man, really lovely for a first try smile

540, VA

thanks man!  I still feel I have a lot of room to improve but I'm pretty proud for this being my first LSDJ song

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

What's your musical background?

540, VA

oh gosh. well I've been doing production for about 7 years now.  But I played in bands, mostly metal, for about 9 years. but I love all kinds of music.

Last edited by squaretherapy (Jul 15, 2012 2:04 am)

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

Bands, that's what I thought. Explains why this jams so hard. wink
Really great stuff. I lot of good melodic ideas.

540, VA

Appreciate the kind words and input!  I'm really excited to get my 2nd cart in and work with two DMG's.  may seem like child's play to some of the pro's around here but I'm definitely excited to get the ball rollin. my back lights and 2nd cart should be in any time now.  and I'm also playing a show with Math the Band in August! Stoked!

NC in the US of America


This music is very manly. Makes me want to skateboard and bust my elbows and kneecaps.

Those arps are so aggressive. I haven't heard them done with no volume sweep before (except my own stuff when I forget to use volume a swept instrument, lol). I can't decide if they are aesthetically pleasing to me, though... Maybe I'm just an old man.

Good stuff. What instruments do you play? What's your main?

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Jul 15, 2012 2:21 am)

Tulsa, OK

Great first track... way better than my first

squaretherapy wrote:

Appreciate the kind words and input!  I'm really excited to get my 2nd cart in and work with two DMG's.  may seem like child's play to some of the pro's around here but I'm definitely excited to get the ball rollin. my back lights and 2nd cart should be in any time now.  and I'm also playing a show with Math the Band in August! Stoked!

There you go man. You're on your way. Try listening to some more technically inclined artists and figure out tricks by ear from them smile Helps a lot!

I recommend Roboctopus, Treyfrey, Electric Children, and Kedromelon. They really know how to work LSDJ smile

540, VA

you guys are the best! and i play piano, acoustic, and im actually gonna be playing my electric over my chiptune live and my little bro will be doing bass, but i play bass as well. and as of the lately, the gameboy =]. oh...and saxophone!

Sydney, NSW

Nice tune! My only gripe is that the pulse lead is a bit boring. Try adding an 0C in the first row of the Transpose column in a table, or changing the pulse width in a table. Tables are your friend!

Jake Allison wrote:

Great first track... way better than my first


Gosford, Australia

Sounds like a good first attempt! In addition to what everyone else has said, I reckon the kick needs to be quite a lot stronger - there are a lot of ways to achieve this, though.

Lurk around and keep up with LSDJ related threads when they pop up, I've been learning a whole lot just from reading these forums!

540, VA

@victory road  I thought the same thing!  My theory is, once I get my 2nd cart in  i'll be able to have a 2nd DMG for basically just an added drum track to have more power to it.  But I'm def gonna keep watching more tutorials and stuff for new ideas,

@chainsaw police   Thanks for the input!  So what exactly would 0C do?  to be honest I didn't really use many tables.  they still scare me a little haha.

Westfield, NJ

this rocks.