
Hello there so I have a biversion chip laying around from an earlier install attempt. Due to my own stupidity I fried the Left+B CPU inputs. So I've been afraid to install it anytime soon.

This got me wondering, Is it even really worth installing?
I've heard that it raises the contrast, which would be cool and all. I've also seen people use it to uninvert there inverted screens.

In the name of science could someone please upload a pics or video comparing a regular DMG screen too the biverted model?


If you're just using LSDj, then just select the inverted pallet. It looks the same afaik. If you're using another rom, use nitro2k01's guide here:
inverting a rom

Here's a picture of a biverted screen I found using the 'search' function:

great picture!

Bristol, UK

If the backlight is inverted and you invert the palette in LSDj the effect is exactly the same I believe.

Evil Scientist wrote:

If the backlight is inverted and you invert the palette in LSDj the effect is exactly the same I believe.

Yeah.....thats what I meant.
Is it worth it?
Short answer: nawww.


It really matters


Not if you have an LSDj-dedicated DMG. If so, it's just redundant power draw.

But not everyone uses their DMG for just LSDj. There's other music software, and of games of course.


You can also use older versions of lsdj if you dot have the skills to invert the Rom

the Netherlands

I had some problems with the sound after me and Timbob did this mod. But I heard people did it without any problems. 
Check it out here: … light-kit/

And to be honest, I actually don't think it's worth it, visually.


There's a substantial improvement for certain colors. For some, it's definitely not worth it. I find yellow looks a lot worse.

Here's a comparison

Normal, inverted, dual invert.


Green looks beautiful. I'm guessing I'll get the same result by inverting Lsdj with a inverted backlight as I would with a biversion chip?


Thanks Apeshit! That is what I was looking for and more!
The two yellows you sent me a while back are still going strong, so looks like no need for any biversion.

NC in the US of America

Dual invert looks clearest.

Frostbyte wrote:

Green looks beautiful. I'm guessing I'll get the same result by inverting Lsdj with a inverted backlight as I would with a biversion chip?

Correct, the biversion chip uses hardware to invert the brightness signal
Lsdj inverts via software (the feature of lsdj)

Both result in the exact same inverted signal going to the LCD, just two different ways of doing the same inversion of the bits