Abandoned on Fire

Deathray is by far my favorite "sound toy" for GB.  It says "free version" like all of his other roms which makes me wonder if there were ever carts produced with added features or if there was ever a "non-free version"?

Pixelh8 specifically states on his site NOT to contact him about software... anybody got some info or help for me?

Austin, Texas

You can find most of the stuff he still distributes on his site somewhere… let me do some crawling.

I don't think there was a "pro version" of Death Ray, but I also wouldn't know. hmm

Anyway, I think it's a small ROM; if you wanted to, you could probably burn it onto PROM for a socketed cart like the ones kitsch started making.

EDIT: Here you go. I know some of the links on his "Software" page were still broken last time I checked, but I took a shot in the dark, and his file directory on the server auto-lists its contents:

Last edited by Telerophon (Jul 19, 2012 6:21 am)

Abandoned on Fire

Thanks for that link but I have the rom and I actually just got a socketed "Kitsch Cart" of Deathray at BRKfest.

It might be my imagination but the kitsch cart seems to work better than having the rom on an EMS.  Specifically the A/B volume actually works like you would expect and it seems more responsive in general.  That's what got me wondering if there was ever a manufactured version that might work even better.

matt's mind

the pixelh8 ROMs run better on PROMs.  some don't even work on EMS carts.

i'm not sure if its the way it was compiled, or if he wrote it this way.  but, most have issues on EMS carts, if they even run at all...

Austin, Texas

I've been able to run some of the—

oh, no, wait, music tech did crash the shit out of my EMS cart that one time.

nitro2k01 said something in passing to me once about he and pixelh8 writing gb software quite differently and that the approach difference could lead to those kind of problems.

Abandoned on Fire
kitsch wrote:

the pixelh8 ROMs run better on PROMs.  some don't even work on EMS carts.

i'm not sure if its the way it was compiled, or if he wrote it this way.  but, most have issues on EMS carts, if they even run at all...

I knew I wasnt imagining it, glad I picked this up!  Noise time!!  smile


II had a couple of minutes to kill before bed time so here are fixed version of the PixelH8 tools which work with flash cartridges. is the file to go for.

The reason why he doesn't want you to contact him is probably because he later signed some form of contract with Nintendo (playing a show at a meeting/fair iirc) which probably includes a clause forbidding him to support "unauthorized software".

I'm wondering if there's any actual difference between the "free" versions and the ones sold on cartridge, other than the text. Anybody here who owns a cart and fancy dumping it?

And yes, it was released on cartridge: … lable.html

Last edited by nitro2k01 (Jul 19, 2012 10:28 pm)

NC in the US of America

Thanks! These don't use RAM, right? So they can go on the other side of a 2 page ems cart, right? (now I just need a cart)

hrm... do people even still use winzip?


They don't use RAM. However, the ROM header reported that they did, so if you opened one of the old ROMs in an emulator, it would create a sav file that's completely unused. Crikey. I fixed this too.

Winzip? I hope not. All civilized operating systems these days come with tools to pack and unpack zip files out of the box. And even so, there are better programs for handling cmopressed files.

SketchMan3 wrote:

Thanks! These don't use RAM, right? So they can go on the other side of a 2 page ems cart, right? (now I just need a cart)

They don't use SRAM, Yes the fixed ones work fine on the page 2, Just remember to save any vital unsaved works before switching pages.

Abandoned on Fire
nitro2k01 wrote:

II had a couple of minutes to kill before bed time so here are fixed version of the PixelH8 tools which work with flash cartridges. is the file to go for.

The reason why he doesn't want you to contact him is probably because he later signed some form of contract with Nintendo (playing a show at a meeting/fair iirc) which probably includes a clause forbidding him to support "unauthorized software".

I'm wondering if there's any actual difference between the "free" versions and the ones sold on cartridge, other than the text. Anybody here who owns a cart and fancy dumping it?

And yes, it was released on cartridge: … lable.html

Hey, nice job!
That link is for a Music Tech cart, wonder if he did the same thing with Deathray.

matt's mind

i do not think so. 

from what i recall (i ordered all these from him back a while ago), he did musictech versions 1 and 2 on carts, and also the GBA version on a cart.  pro performer or whatever its called...

nitro2k01 wrote:

II had a couple of minutes to kill before bed time so here are fixed version of the PixelH8 tools which work with flash cartridges. is the file to go for.

WOW, thanks so much for these! I had no idea they didn't even work well on flash carts, looking forward to using an improved Deathray!!!


yeah super thanks nitro! awesome!

edit: the game names show up as TEMP... is that just because the file name is too long?

Last edited by psychedelicious (Jul 20, 2012 2:40 pm)