Can't find much on eBay at the moment. Let me know if you're willing to sell one
I was holding onto a clearboy, in case I needed a spare for what I was building. But since that project worked out, I suppose I'm open to offers. What kind of offer were you thinking of? Also, it'll be shipped from Europe, which might factor in. Where would it be going?
The US Don't worry about it, I already picked up a few! I forgot about this thread, my bad!
That's cool. What'cha up to with them?
Basically trying to put together a really durable DMG since mine keep breaking. I just wanted to start over and be able to have a really nice clear dream DMG
A worthy cause, good sir. Best of fortunes!
I have a mint condition one with its box and manual (Hard Case box) if you are still after one. 1555.l2649
It's on eBay check it out.
I believe that frostbyte already got two of em. Anyway, that is a little high priced imo.
Also, shipping to the US may be expensive.
Last edited by dsv101 (Aug 8, 2012 11:52 pm)
Well I looked at the last few sold went a little less and then added best offer.
I have a never played with clearboy. it shall forever stay unplayed. it has the original screen film on it, and no button scratches at all. the shafts that the buttons are in, are also scratch-less and perfectly clear.
I have a never played with clearboy. it shall forever stay unplayed. it has the original screen film on it, and no button scratches at all. the shafts that the buttons are in, are also scratch-less and perfectly clear.
Dude. I would kill for one like that AND and white one like that. Dude the kids those days that got the white and clear ones were probably the coolest in school
I just got a kinda beat-up clearboy and a bundle of games I'm going to resell somewhere else on craigslist.
I'm glad to have it, even if it is kinda sunyellowed and I couldn't get someone's name in sharpie off all the way.