I guess you could use a stacked pot? Or you could buy a Quint from kitsch.
yeah, double pots would work. if you use switches, you'd just need to double the poles on the switch you would use with just a single board. if the original kit (one pcb) needs DPST, then use 4PST switches instead... that sort of thing.
Yeah this could be accomplished easily enough.
I could use two ICs and have them powered from one Game Boy and use a stereo pot with a two pole switch or individual switches for each unit if you ever wanted them to be out of sync. Could take it a step further and have two pots and depending on the mode the main one could control both or you could control two individually. This is something I would never use but it does sound like a fun build!
Is the DMG in the demo video for sale? It's gorgeous.
Is the DMG in the demo video for sale? It's gorgeous.
Probably not Justin has DMGs that use other parts of cases that compliment his yellow-blue=white color scheme, and they have all sorts of things done to his liking. However, it's probably not too hard to make your own in a similar style
basspuddle wrote:Is the DMG in the demo video for sale? It's gorgeous.
Probably not
Justin has DMGs that use other parts of cases that compliment his yellow-blue=white color scheme, and they have all sorts of things done to his liking. However, it's probably not too hard to make your own in a similar style
Actually. It would be very difficult. That is one half of an insanely rare bootleg replacement shell. I though I was buying a blue DMG on eBay but the photo was terrible. Turned out to be one of my favorite colors. Haven't seen anything like it since.
Here's the rest of my DMG setup:
Actually I've changed these a bit now. I should take some new photos. The yellow/teal one and the grey/yellow one both have added 1/4" pro-sound jacks. I changed the front yellow shell so it is not RGB anymore. Just nice, simple and durable for shows. The front grey shell have a white backlight instead of the EL panel(someone wanted it for a commission).
Oh, and I changed the shells for my Smart Carts.
Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Jul 23, 2012 2:43 pm)
Variable Clock V2s added to the shop! These have the low limiter:
Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Aug 4, 2012 2:50 am)