Savannah, Georgia

this was actually mentioned earlier - with blip on hiatus, now's as good a time as any to get some people & organize a semi-regular webshow (monthly? seasonally?) where chipmusicians who can't quite go to shows for whatever reason can play their tracks and/or watch.
that said, it all depends on how many people would actually be up for it and, in retrospect, whether it'd even be a good idea or not.


Last edited by Aeros (Aug 5, 2012 5:19 am)


I'd be up for it, but I'm not sure if I can consistently attend/play beyond summer because this year in school's gonna be really tough for me.


been working on something. don't worry yourself son

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

As was already stated/called for by the fans, I will be forcing Frostbyte to organize one and throw me into it. smile

Last edited by Auxcide (Aug 5, 2012 5:30 am)

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

Also, dmg control was working on getting a monthly one going. Haven't checked on it in a while though.

Savannah, Georgia

edit: nevermind

Last edited by Aeros (Aug 5, 2012 5:36 am)

Brunswick, GA USA

It doesn't even have to be live if you string a bunch of PVs and make episodes with regularity.

Live is a plus, though.

Russian Fedration. Moscow City

interesting idea. If I could know what i need to have just to took part in it.


Webshows is already something we have on the regular at NoiseChannel, if you wanna get involved get in touch with Freque, he puts them together w/about 7 to 8 artists every gig, they r pretty awesome to say the least

Chicago IL, USA
chunter wrote:

It doesn't even have to be live if you string a bunch of PVs and make episodes with regularity.

Live is a plus, though.

It'd be cool if someone/you guys set up a site where you would have like a weekly pre-recorded performance (a la Henry Homesweet's Lo-Bit Basement videos) and maybe a once a month live show with a few different artists every month. Or even just like a "chiptune web series" and have episodes with a few live performances of singles, concert footage, music video, interviews, etc. Whatever happens I will tune in, just throwing some ideas in the air.

SadPanda wrote:

It'd be cool if someone/you guys set up a site where you would have like a weekly pre-recorded performance (a la Henry Homesweet's Lo-Bit Basement videos) and maybe a once a month live show with a few different artists every month. Or even just like a "chiptune web series" and have episodes with a few live performances of singles, concert footage, music video, interviews, etc. Whatever happens I will tune in, just throwing some ideas in the air.

For the last 3 years, chip-con has been working on a project of this kind.
I'm personally involved & progress is around 90%, there should be an announcement within weeks

Edit: I have no further comments at the moment

Last edited by B3tabot (Aug 5, 2012 8:42 am)

Medina, Ohio

Um, we have monthly shows at big_smile


I'd be down for an open mic thing if possible, since I don't have too much done yet.

ohio gozaimasu
dsv101 wrote:

Um, we have monthly shows at big_smile

This. If any of you guys feel like playing one, feel free to pm dsv or myself.

Forest Maze

I'm down to play once I get my mixer, and get my LGPT album wrapped up.

Riverside, CA

<------- is down to play.