
Only 4 frames so far, kinda going for a water-world/boat theme I guess.

Any suggestions?  I can't decide if I like the slower or faster drums.

I love Famitracker so far, being so limited is actually a lot of fun.

NC in the US of America

This is cool. I like it. It certainly fits the water theme. Though I'm picturing more of an underwater cave. It works either way, though.

The only suggestion I could give is to modulate up a bit and maybe add a noise kick on the next four frames. I dunno. Personal preference. Maybe vary the pulse width on some parts?

Brighton | Portsmouth | UK

For a first try this is fucking brilliant


I really like it, it gives me a sunset at the beach kinda feel. I would change the the snare instrument though, I don't feel like it fits the rest of the instruments. Also, maybe change up the hihat every once in a while so that it doesn't sound like a metronome.

It still is a fantastic track though!

Last edited by Lavar (Aug 13, 2012 8:42 pm)


I like it with the laidback drums. I can't really say much else about it that hasn't already been said, but it really is great for a first track.

Paso del Rey, Argentina

I like it, It has a very calm mood. I don´t know famitracker, so I don´t know if this is possible, but I think that subtles changes in volume in the arpeggio comping would benefit the piece. In my oppinion, the relaxed drums fit better this mood than making them faster.


very nice first track!!!