The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

I'm sorry, Jakey. . . sad


im glad i gave a half arsed 'perhaps'

decktonic is right. how many of these retarded compilation fad's exist anyway. lets make a compilation of shit noobs on a coloured cassette because thats worth it isnt it. DOH


the products on that site are fucking hilarious. are people really that gay they wear that shit haha

Tulsa, OK

We do not even have our names associated with it at all! Which is mostly good really.

I had to try really hard to fit the crappy description of "dark", and my track was pretty lack luster. I still don't know if it is on the stupid thing.

Westfield, NJ

Well if it makes you guys feel any better, you are all very accomplished artists in your own right and this loser is selling tape necklaces to hipsters. I'd rather hang out with you all any day.

Puerto Rico
Decktonic wrote:

...a compilation that is going to be sold for profit...

m30w wrote:

the sales will only cover production cost, so its just for promotion for anyone that wants in smile

So, uh, and nothing of value was lost, I suppose. This is the kind of thing I expected from the start (Yeah guys newsflash, meow is a hipster) and the only thing that kinda bums me out is that it looks like he never really contacted any artists back, and hasn't put up a tracklist (with links?) on the sale page. Damn compilation's more of an accessory than anything.

Westfield, NJ
Xuriik wrote:
Decktonic wrote:

...a compilation that is going to be sold for profit...

m30w wrote:

the sales will only cover production cost, so its just for promotion for anyone that wants in smile

So, uh, and nothing of value was lost, I suppose. This is the kind of thing I expected from the start (Yeah guys newsflash, meow is a hipster) and the only thing that kinda bums me out is that it looks like he never really contacted any artists back, and hasn't put up a tracklist (with links?) on the sale page. Damn compilation's more of an accessory than anything.

I wonder if any of the buyers even realize that it has music on it? I wonder if anyone has actually put this into a tape player?

Hey who knows maybe no one has even bought it.

On a completely unrelated note, I dig Kodek's gameboy necklace.

Puerto Rico

How long have you been waiting for an opportunity to use that image? lol

Paso del Rey, Argentina

Well... I think that If you already have the music (all the ones who participated), you could gather the songs an make your own compilation (and maybe,  give it for free). If you did this for promotion, you don´t need the guy, you can promote yourselves by creating your very own compilation. After all you already have the music composed. Appart from that, even if there is no contract, I don´t think the guy has the right to use your music, as he is using it in a different way. You gave him permission to use it in a way and he is making a totally different thing.  Besides that, there are forums like this one to prevent people from this guy. Just spread the word. Using the correct words in the correct places, the guy can lose more than he can win.

Tulsa, OK
wandering genie wrote:

Well... I think that If you already have the music (all the ones who participated), you could gather the songs an make your own compilation (and maybe,  give it for free). If you did this for promotion, you don´t need the guy, you can promote yourselves by creating your very own compilation. After all you already have the music composed. Appart from that, even if there is no contract, I don´t think the guy has the right to use your music, as he is using it in a different way. You gave him permission to use it in a way and he is making a totally different thing.  Besides that, there are forums like this one to prevent people from this guy. Just spread the word. Using the correct words in the correct places, the guy can lose more than he can win.

Who would be up for releasing the music ourselves? Or just starting a new compilation that features some of those tracks.


Brunswick, GA USA

Those keychain hoops can ruin the tape if it's not left at the leader.
If you liked the idea minus the lack of credit or credibility you can make your own cassettes just as easily and sell them...

Sorry for those who got burned.

Last edited by chunter (Aug 14, 2012 4:56 pm)

The Hollow Earth

Well.....since there's no tracklist, how do we know if our music is even on it?

EDIT: Knowing how hipsters are, how do we know if there's even music on it at all? From the description it looks more like it's supposed to be a piece of jewelry.

Last edited by Subterrestrial (Aug 14, 2012 8:15 pm)


Maybe its thought of as an ester egg?

NC in the US of America

Didn't he say he's having problems with his providers or something? I'm not sure if that tape is the actual thing, you guys. Somebody should probably ask him.

Westfield, NJ

It says "Dark Chiptune Vol. 1"

It would be totally appropriate hipster irony if there was nothing recorded on the tape, but I'm pretty sure that's it.

Anyway if you browse the shop & the blog you'll find that this guy apparently mods gameboys and records his own music so it's not like he disappeared he just obviously had no intention of actually fulfilling his promises here.

I don't even know why we are giving this so much attention, nothing here to see, move on folks. Let's get back to talking about Jake Allison's new EP, that dizzle is so hot, I heart it.