hi, if anyone is interested in writing a c64 music engine
i will get you started
ant1's guide to programming the SID
this is kick assembler source-code
made in 2012
// clear all sid registers to 0
ldx #$00
lda #$00
// SID registers start at $d400
sta $d400
inc clearsidloop+1
cpx #$29 // and there are 29 of them
bne clearsidloop
// set master volume and turn filter off
lda #%00001111
sta filtermode_volume
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// check if rasterline is #$ff
// which happens every 20ms
// do nothing and jump back to mainloop if not
lda $d012
cmp #$ff
bne mainloop
// play a single frame of music (if there are any notes to play this frame)
jsr music
// loop forever
jmp mainloop
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// tickcounter counts the number of 20ms frames
inc tickcounter
// speed is the number of 20ms frames that will happen before the slowtable advances one position
lda tickcounter
cmp speed
beq playnote
jmp endmusic
// flash border and background
inc $d020
dec $d021
// reset gatebit/waveform
lda #%00000000
sta $d404
// reset tickcounter as we have got to the next row of the slowtable and we want to start counting towards the next note
lda #$00
sta tickcounter
// add slowtablepos to slowtable to get the current position in the slowtable
ldx slowtablepos
lda slowtable, x
// get low byte of frequency from slowtable
sta frequency
// get high byte of frequency from slowtable
lda slowtable, x
sta frequency+1
// check if low byte of frequency is #$00, if not, continue to play note
lda frequency
cmp #$00
bne playnote2
// check if high byte of frequency is #$00 (frequency is #$0000), if not, continue to next check
lda frequency+1
cmp #$00
bne freqcheck2
// if it is, reset slowtablepos and start again
lda #$00
sta slowtablepos
jmp playnote
// check if high byte of frequency is #$01 (frequency is #$0001), if not continue to play note
lda frequency+1
cmp #$01
bne playnote2
// if it is, increment slowtablepos to continue moving through the table, but jump back to the start without playing a note
inc slowtablepos
inc slowtablepos
jmp music
// set attack to 0, decay to 6
lda #$06
sta attack_decay
// set sustain and release to 0
lda #$00
sta sustain_release
// move frequency from frequency variable to sid buffer
lda frequency
sta freq_lowbyte
lda frequency+1
sta freq_highbyte
// set waveform to saw and turn gatebit on
lda #%00100001
sta control
// increment the slowtablepos twice (twice because there are two bytes for each note in the table)
inc slowtablepos
inc slowtablepos
// write data from the sid buffer to the sid chip
lda freq_lowbyte
sta $d400
lda freq_highbyte
sta $d401
lda control
sta $d404
lda attack_decay
sta $d405
lda sustain_release
sta $d406
lda filtermode_volume
sta $d418
// back to mainloop
// variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// the number of frames to wait before advancing the slowtable, you can set this to anything
.byte $1f
// stores the tick (frame) counter
.byte $00
// stores the position in the slowtable
.byte $00
// temporarily stores the frequency of the next note
.byte $00
.byte $00
// music data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// the slowtable is where the note data is stored
// frequency is a sixteen bit number, a higher number is a higher pitch
.byte $b1, $25
.byte $30, $40
.byte $b1, $25
// a frequency of #$0001 tells the player to play no note on this row
.byte $00, $01
.byte $b1, $25
.byte $30, $40
.byte $b1, $15
.byte $00, $01
.byte $b1, $25
.byte $30, $40
.byte $b1, $25
.byte $00, $01
.byte $b1, $25
.byte $30, $40
.byte $b1, $65
.byte $00, $01
// a frequency of #$0000 tells the player to loop back to the start of the slowtable
.byte $00, $00
// sid buffer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// values that are going to be written to the sid are stored here and then written in one go
// freq_lowbyte is the low byte of the frequency
// on the SID this is $d400
.byte $00
// freq_highbyte is the high byte of the frequency
// on the SID this is $d401
.byte $00
// control sets the waveform and gatebit
// on the SID this is $d404
.byte $00
// the first nybble of attack_decay is attack, the second nybble is decay
// on the SID this is $d405
.byte $00
// the first nybble of sustain_release is sustain, the second nybble is release
// on the SID this is $d406
.byte $00
// bits 7-4 of filtermode_volume control the filter, bits 3-1 control the master volume
// on the SID this is $d418
.byte $00
if you've never done any c64 programming before then you will need, to follow this guide,
something that tells you what all the opcodes do
something that tells you what all the sid registers do
kick assembler
Last edited by ant1 (Aug 19, 2012 5:59 am)