
Hello thar, I am selling my custom painted white DMG with pink backlight and backlit Start/Select button, made by JustinThursday. I only casually 'chiptune', so this frankly is more than I need. Everything works fine, nothing is broken and still has the plastic covering on the screen. And if you're not a fan of pink, for 35$, Justin will change the backlight color for you.

Price is $120 OBO

This gameboy has:
Custom white paintjob (great job, smooth, no stickyness)
Pink blacklight
Pink backlit Start/Select buttons (silicon buttons)
1/8" prosound
Default red power led
White screen cover
Pink custom cast buttons(?)

Now for some pictures:

And two taken by Justin that show how pink the buttons actually are.

You can message me on here, or sent me an email at if interested. I'm not currently interested in trades, only looking to sell.

Thank ya kindly!

Last edited by Supersirius (Sep 9, 2012 5:30 am)

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

I just want to say, that is one beautiful dmg. Good luck wink


One self bump before it goes on the bay of e.

Cleveland, OH

One of my favorites.

Detroit, Michigan
justinthursday wrote:

One of my favorites.

Where did you get those pink buttons, they look different than Kitsch's

Austin, Texas

Those are dyed/painted NES buttons. They could be custom molded, but I've never seen custom molded NES buttons.

I like the NES D-pad quite a bit, myself.

Cleveland, OH

They are the old hand cast Kitsch buttons so probably a color that is no longer available.

Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Sep 5, 2012 6:20 pm)