so i had purchased lsdj about a week ago and i had just played with it on the computer with a gameboy emulator. but eventually i grew tired of having to be in one place to use lsdj. i have talked to an lsdj expert named mechlo and he recomended i get a flash card. but i only have about a 30 dollar budget for a flash card and i need to know which one to get so i dont have to do a whole trial and error thing. i had looked at ez-flash 4 but it requires a program called goomba and when i converted lsdj it had some wonderful glitches and i dont want that. thank you for your support.
oh i forgot to ad i also want to play other gameboy games as well not just lsdj
i have a gameboy advance sp and im afraid that if i buy this it might not work an i would also like to play other games on it as well
The EMS cart works fine with game boy advance SP. If you want a cheaper cart then get the EZ Flash iv and try different versions of goomba lsdj until you find one that's not too glitchy.
also, if you load LSDJ to a flash cart then you can't use the same flash cart to play games as LSDJ uses the save memory for the songs you write and it can't be split/shared between differen programs.
thats ok what version of goomba should i use to convert lsdj to gba
Try a few, I seem to remember it to be a tedious case of trial and error.
is there any other wy to convert lsdj into gba
Nope, maybe someone here has successfully compiled a goomba lsdj rom that they could send you if you show them proof of lsdj license.
how do i send proof like the login email or something
forward the verification/proof of purchase email you recieved
i could be wrong but it's my understanding that lsdj doesn't work well on a gba flash cartridge. you'd be better off just getting an EMS cartridge which is totally compatible with the gameboy advance anyways. … ature=plcp for adding GB games to the EZ-flash 4.
You're definitely better off with a dedicated Game Boy flash cart for game boy programs. If you want to get an EZ Flash IV, there are some fun programs for GBA as well, but you definitely want to run Game Boy programs on a native cart.
If I correctly recall, the way that Game Boy Advance backwards compatibility works is that there is essentially an entire Game Boy Color CPU on a chip inside the Game Boy Advance, and there is a switch in the cartridge slot that detects if you have a Game Boy Advance game or a first generation Game Boy / Color game plugged into the cartridge slot. That's why you get a Game Boy Color boot screen when you plug in an older game instead of a Game Boy Advance boot screen.
So, when you put LSDj or another program on the proper cart, it's actually running on the internal Game Boy Color in you GBA, versus running on an Emulator on the GBA.