Carbondale, IL

Looking for a place to play?  Want to get your favorite chiptune artist to your hometown?  If you answered yes to either question, you are in the right thread.

The idea here is to collect information on possible places chiptune musicians can play.

City name: just what it sounds like.  Put the name of the city, along with its state/province and nation here.

What makes it ideal: why is this city out of all the others out there ideal for a chiptune performer?  What can this city provide to the performer that others cannot?

Available venues: places that the musician can potentially play.  List all structures and places of business that can support your typical chiptune performance and its audience.

Best times: best times to perform.  Simply take into account weather, venue availability, local traditions/festivals, habits of the majority population, etc., to give the performer the best idea of when to play.

Carbondale, IL

City name: Carbondale, Illinois, United States

What makes it ideal: Carbondale is a college town, being home to both John A. Logan Community College and the Southern Illinois University of Carbondale.  During the fall and spring semesters it is full of young people with unique and experimental-ish musical tastes.  It also lies along a major railway line that terminates in Chicago and passes through Champaign, another college town, allowing dedicated appreciators of chiptune from those areas easy access to the performance venue.

Available venues: the SIU Arena and Shryock Auditorium, both of which lie on the SIUC campus, are available for performances.  Your best bet for booking those venues would probably be to get into contact with Southern Lights Entertainment and work something out with them (note that the arena is currently undergoing renovations and probably will not be available until late Fall 2010).  The bars and restaurants on the city's main drag (the Strip as it is known around here) also make good venues and are frequented by many local and regional bands.  Things have been a little sparse as of late, mainly due to the poor economy and due to damage sustained from ice storms last winter and an inland hurricane last summer.  I'm afraid I don't get out that much, so I really can't tell you which bar, pub, or dance hall would best appreciate chiptune.

Best times: Fall and Spring semesters on Fridays and Saturdays are a sure thing.  Things die down considerably during student vacation times.  Apparently there is a city ordinance that prevents outdoor live performances on weekdays, so Saturdays would probably be better.

Tacoma WA

wouldn't it make more sense to have a list to promoters who do chiptune shows?

they're the ones who are going to have actual useful contract info and experience with various venues in the area

Melbourne, Australia
infradead wrote:

wouldn't it make more sense to have a list to promoters who do chiptune shows?

they're the ones who are going to have actual useful contract info and experience with various venues in the area


Carbondale, IL

Opps.  hmm
Sounded like a good idea at the time, but you are right infradead, a list of promoters would be better.

scienceguy8 wrote:

Opps.  hmm
Sounded like a good idea at the time, but you are right infradead, a list of promoters would be better.

I still think that it sounds like an awesome idea!

Face it there isn't that many "chiptune promoters" out there. Widen your horizons guys.

Central-ish VA

I was quite alright with the original intent.  What we really do need is a list of chip-friendly sorts of places.


Well I need some kind of database guys. I can't figure out where to play in between Austin and Baltimore