Orange County, CA

Do you like the song PonPonPon? Do you want to remix it? Do you have LSDJ or some way of reading it?
Do you like my cover of PonPonPon? Do you hate it and want to fix it? Do you have LSDJ or some way of tweaking it?
Well here's all of my hard work right here.
Remix re-record, change, gut, take melodies out, fix instruments, do whatever. I was thinking of putting them all on my collab bandcamp so that everyone who enjoys the hit song can download their favorite remixes of PonPonPon all from one source. Have fun!

Milwaukee Area, WI

My day was at like a 15%
But you man, made it went like all the way up here.

Austin, Texas

The first person to recreate this mashup wins:

WARNING: I would consider this video questionably NSFW (not safe for work), and probably NSFB (not safe for baptists).

Orange County, CA

oh my that mashup is so enjoyable

Chicago, IL

big_smile imma try to start from scratch

Granada, Spain

Ill try! wink


Gonna make something up too.

Orange County, CA

How's the ponponpon'ing? Feel free to distribute the lsdsng's as you please it'd be great to see everyone have their version of this that really would like to :3 even basic instrument changes and minor speedups are cool!