
oh maybe it is about Liz Vicious. that's not so nice.

NC in the US of America


Jesus this is awful.

I, being an elitist dick or something, have to agree with this. And how is this chiptune, exactly?
And I'm feeling that anyone who feels the need to put "official" before or after his name is trying to prop himself up and prove something.


UGGGGG /me shoots self


Chicago IL

this is like walking in on a rape but then you realize it's just a skinny little bitch boy and he's ineffectually fucking a pile of horse shit. like a huge pile.

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]
invaderbacca wrote:

Thank you for posting this, as it is the 2nd best thing to come out of this thread.


Yo guys what happened to people doing something different? Leave the dude alone. I personally think its good, the mastering could be a touch better (although youtube's compression may have messed it up idk) but honestly there are songs in their masses on here that people post and those people shouldnt even be allowed near a DAW or computer in some cases.

I wanna hear more from Eqavox, keep it up bro!

Middlesbrough UK

So anyone keeping upto date on his facebook page? I tried to give him tips and advice in the past shortly after I heard the song 8-bit girl, merely ideas for a sence of how to experiement in order to improove the sound/mastering stuff like that. Since then he has blocked/deleted me and is constantly whining (using quotes of me) about how I was 'forcing him' into a different sound and 'telling him' to change everything he was doing etc (for the sake of all of us I probably should of.) I tried to be positive even though his music just hurts me. I certainly was friendly and some what as encouraging as I could be, to a degree it showed that I think his songs are truely fucking awful but at least I was taking the time to be constructive about it. I wasted time listening to his whole demo-album and had planned to give him constuctive feedback on as much as I could cause I'm a nice guy like that.

Now though I find it laughable that he has been posting to his private little group of followers about how people who use trackers (including lsdj) and electronic devices as such that require little live imput are not actual musicians. he did say it requires talent and he has respect apparently but not like that really matters his point was clear. This kid getting too big for his own boots cause he can play an instrument(apparently)? Who said we can't? I certainly can and COULD if I wanted to but instruments are over-rated anyways.

Clearly he cannot accept the fact some people have Critique about his 'music'. Be nothing but positive if you want him to like you who knows? You may be the next person he whines about.

Sydney, NSW

people make shitty music and think its good and there's no convincing them.

what's new?

Westfield, NJ

so i just want to understand exactly why everyone hates this song so much. I mean, I find it to be pretty annoying but it seems like run of the mill stuff to me, and I guess I'm a little confused as to why this elicits such a negative response. Is it:

1. because it's cheesy
2. because it's hardstyle
3. because it's not harmonic
4. because the mastering is bad
5. because the singing is bad

just wondering.

Tokyo, Japan

What the hell happened here? OP delete his tune or something :'(


What happened? I missed the tune. sad

NC in the US of America

If a person is not asking for constructive criticism and you just randomly come out of the blue to criticize his stuff, no matter how right you are, no matter how positive and helpful and useful the criticism may be... if he's not asking for it then it could be considered rude by the person receiving. Sad but true. It's not going to do any good, and if he's not asking for help (or asked by you if he'd like help), then it really does look like an attempt to force him into a different sound and yadda yadda.

It should not be so. A person should be able to accept good words when they see them, but... this is reality.

It didn't seem all that bad to me... the singing and lyrics were bad, but the music didn't have any glaring mistakes. It was generic enough to not be offensive to me. But I have bad taste in electro pop, though...


I missed the car crash.

Philly, PA, USA

Yeah what even is this.

Also lol at everyone saying the mastering is bad, like, how many people can actually hear bad mastering and point that out?