
Thanks guys!

Seattle, WA US

title is sooooooooooo anooooooooooooyiiiiiing


caps is usually annoying when it is everywhere yes

Chicago IL

its not the caps that are annoying

Seattle, WA US
Saskrotch wrote:

its not the caps that are annoying


boaconstructor wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

its not the caps that are annoying


you're right it's the lack of constructive contriticism

Seattle, WA US

Don't you go mouthin off to Papa Skrotch like that

Brunswick, GA USA

I hear a personality to the sound, it is musical, the songs go somewhere, the notes are consonant, you even have some use of dynamics...

What I suggest is more use of dynamics, quiet bits that contrast with loud bits, maybe bits without noise so that when the noise returns it sounds more at home.

I hope you can hear from someone who is better voiced in noise-based stuff.


You're not helping your reputation by retorting like that. Just type like a respectable person and don't tyyyyyyyppppeeee lliiiiiiiikkkeeeeee tttthhhhhiiiiiiisssss

But anyways, I'll bite.

They could use a lot more in the way of harmony; there's a lot of bare parts where one voice is doing something that isn't all that interesting, and more harmony and channel interaction could go a long way in helping that. Also, the melodies seemed very static and somewhat repetitive, many times consisting of long notes without much change. In general, you need more "movement" in the songs, either rhythmic or harmonic, unless you're going for an ambient, soundscape-y sound (which I don't think you are).

There isn't much low end in the songs either. If you could have a fuller bassline running underneath I feel that would improve the songs much. The wave channel works well for that. Instead of distorting and dirtying up the waveform, try something smoother. Also, turn down the volume of the other channels if the wave channel seems too quiet for you.

I have to admit that the first part of the second song sounded pretty cool with the wave channel, though. If you could keep channeling cool sounds like that but also have more structure to your tracks I think you'd makes some pretty cool-sounding things.

VCMG wrote:

You're not helping your reputation by retorting like that. Just type like a respectable person and don't tyyyyyyyppppeeee lliiiiiiiikkkeeeeee tttthhhhhiiiiiiisssss

The point of the title was to attract people and it worked. Didn't mean to sound like a bastard or anything. : )

Anyways, thanks for the feedback. Yeah I've been trying to add more melody or bassline stuff to make them sound fuller but I find I just can't get it. I guess I'll try smoothing it out like you said and turning down the other channels. As for structure, I sometimes find that it's too easy to make it /too/ structured, know what I mean? Should I just go with it? Other than that, thanks again for the feedback. : )

NC in the US of America

I could see STRTLAMP in a metroidvania game or something.

Tokyo, Japan

Edited title

Milwaukee, WI

Anything specific you want feedback on?

Seattle, WA US
Lazerbeat wrote:

Edited title

You are a saint

Theta_Frost wrote:

Anything specific you want feedback on?

Anything that you think needs improving such as melodies, instrumentation, etc.