And with the after party line up!
Also happy to see Storz in it
Now I must arrive on time!
(I'm staying in Khaosan Annex hostel [unfortunately Ninja is fully booked]) is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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And with the after party line up!
Also happy to see Storz in it
Now I must arrive on time!
(I'm staying in Khaosan Annex hostel [unfortunately Ninja is fully booked])
Oh man that lineup. I've been gagging to see Utabi since Manchurian Candy.
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UU:::::::::UU T:::::::::T A:::::A A:::::A B::::::::::::::::B I::::::::I
Lazerbeat wrote:And with the after party line up!
Also happy to see Storz in it
Now I must arrive on time!(I'm staying in Khaosan Annex hostel [unfortunately Ninja is fully booked])
The Annex is also an awesome place.
UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT AAA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IIIIIIIIII U::::::U U::::::UT:::::::::::::::::::::T A:::A B::::::::::::::::B I::::::::I U::::::U U::::::UT:::::::::::::::::::::T A:::::A B::::::BBBBBB:::::B I::::::::I UU:::::U U:::::UUT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T A:::::::A BB:::::B B:::::BII::::::II U:::::U U:::::U TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTT A:::::::::A B::::B B:::::B I::::I U:::::D D:::::U T:::::T A:::::A:::::A B::::B B:::::B I::::I U:::::D D:::::U T:::::T A:::::A A:::::A B::::BBBBBB:::::B I::::I U:::::D D:::::U T:::::T A:::::A A:::::A B:::::::::::::BB I::::I U:::::D D:::::U T:::::T A:::::A A:::::A B::::BBBBBB:::::B I::::I U:::::D D:::::U T:::::T A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A B::::B B:::::B I::::I U:::::D D:::::U T:::::T A:::::::::::::::::::::A B::::B B:::::B I::::I U::::::U U::::::U T:::::T A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A B::::B B:::::B I::::I U:::::::UUU:::::::U TT:::::::TT A:::::A A:::::A BB:::::BBBBBB::::::BII::::::II UU:::::::::::::UU T:::::::::T A:::::A A:::::A B:::::::::::::::::B I::::::::I UU:::::::::UU T:::::::::T A:::::A A:::::A B::::::::::::::::B I::::::::I UUUUUUUUU TTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAA AAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IIIIIIIIII
Gil Goldshlager wrote:Awesome!
Also happy to see Storz in it
Now I must arrive on time!(I'm staying in Khaosan Annex hostel [unfortunately Ninja is fully booked])
The Annex is also an awesome place.
Yeah Annex! You'll have at least three other buddies there including meself
Tomorrow night! Lots of new piggy tracker jamz this time around. Should be a blast!
Coova + Bud Melvin
Zen Albatross
Ctrix part 1
Ctrix part 2
Haha, going on first sucks big donkey balls. Ah well, you'll have to actually come over to Japan to hear my set peoples!
Awesome stuff from everyone else. One of the best cheapbeats we've ever done!! Star of the night had to be Ajipo though who wasn't even on the bill, but jumped on with 5 minutes notice to rock out a full 30 minute set. What a star!
Some photos of you guys from last night at the pre-party can be found here: … 7540edf63a
Catch the afterparty stream at
After this, there won't be no Blip Festival, so you best tune in.