ant1 wrote:1. asking people
2. on a public forum
3. to choose your titles
4. devalues your art somewhat
5. (hidden bonus track) IN MY OPINION!
Haha, funny answer.
Actually art, whatever this 3 letters word truly means, has no real value to me.
The title is not inside the music, it's part of the [digital now] packaging, asking another person to do the artwork for a 12" is cool but asking for title ideas isn't? Actually I'd rather have my titles chosen by a stranger, and do the artwork myself...
Even more for GB songs, gameboy music calls for stories, I can't help but seeing stories in pixelated shades of dirty green when I hear such sounds, so that's what I'm trying to find out with this thread. What kind of images and 8bit stories are these songs inspiring you all? Especially when I haven't set anything yet with a title that would show you what to daydream about when listening. [please be kind with my morning english]
Oh and you can tell me whatever else you think about these tracks too, it's constructive criticism, title question was just part of the thing. [but you can skip the "dude too much reverb" part because I know I've been pretty much hiding the extreme dirtiness of my good old DMG with reverb].

@ForaBrokenEarth I really like "brakes are for bicycles" !