
Hello! I've been curious as to what you guys thought was a reasonable price to pay for various colors of the gameboy pocket. I know the clear is worth a bit more, and some are really rare, like the toyota light one.

Tulsa, OK

I paid $15 USD for a moderately good condition silver pocket


Go to Thursday
You can buy a clear pocket for the same price as the rest. I dont know if he will have the toyota editions. Those were rare even in Japan. He has the clear ones in stock, though. Im sure of that. You can also have him modify it for you for some extra money. Without mods, i think the price is pretty cheap.


$25 for a pocket without anything. Extra for rare ones (pink, gold, silver, etc.)


I'm just curious as to what you guys thought was reasonable, I know there was a thread for PIL DMGs a while back...


Without mods, the 15-25 dollar range sounds fair to me, assuming the device is in good condition

Tulsa, OK

Man, why do you want a pocket?

Austin, Texas
Jake Allison wrote:

Man, why do you want a pocket?


Pockets fit in your pocket thats why.


But please, lets just stick to answering the guy's question. We dont want another 5 page argument over handheld superiority. If the man wants a pocket, let him have his pocket.

Gosford, Australia

yeah pink is only kinda rare i think
i paid ~40AUD for one but only because it was pretty and pink. girlfriend loved it! :v

Cleveland, OH

Clear is no more rare than any of the standard colors. It is a standard color.

Czech republic

What do you guys think of the grey pockets? I'd love to get it but it's hard to find one with reasonable price...
I personally prefer pockets. It's the way it looks not the sound.

ohgodno, Indiana

Just got done with this one.

*EDIT: I kinda wanna add a silver screen cover

Last edited by b4by f4c3 (Nov 7, 2012 9:52 pm)

Cleveland, OH
ashimoke wrote:

What do you guys think of the grey pockets? I'd love to get it but it's hard to find one with reasonable price...
I personally prefer pockets. It's the way it looks not the sound.

Same here. I wanted one so I just sanded a scratched up silver one:

b4by f4c3 wrote:

Just got done with this one.

*EDIT: I kinda wanna add a silver screen cover sells those screen covers!

Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Nov 7, 2012 9:57 pm)

Czech republic
justinthursday wrote:

Same here. I wanted one so I just sanded a scratched up silver one:

Yeah, I've seen that - looks pretty neat. Might give it a go if I bump into a suitable pocket..