So, I was bored and curious, which is always a good combination, and I wondered: Can I connect a LCD to a super gameboy?
As the super gameboy is basically a normal DMG without the screen, I figured it should be possible...
I traced the lines from the lcd, and all the pins used are directly connected to the DMG cpu.
they are all unused on the super gameboy (that basically has the same cpu), except for the 2 data outputs (which makes sense).
After some soldering, this is what I ended up with:
I used the back of a normal gameboy to get the -19 volts to drive the LCD. I could probably work that in later on, but I wanted to test it first.
So tell us Timbob! did it work?
It did indeed! I tested it using kirby. Because kirby is awesome.
After that, I wondered if it would give any strange stuff if I used the super gameboy special features.. painting or changing pallet didn't do anything, but when I started Megaman 5, which is a super gameboy title, I did see some weird stuff
I reset the super nes while playing. The super gameboy reboots, very quick display of the nintendo logo (Sgb doesn't have the scrolling logo), and then you see some glitchy video as the special megaman border is loaded.
after that, the game starts and plays as normal, and I pan to the out of focus tv

So Timbob! does this have any practical use?
None that I can think of really... Just wanted to see if it could be done
maybe you can build a screen into a super nintendo so you can play gameboy games without a tv... you know. like on a gameboy