oshI seem to recall Kool Skull doing a chip-hop project with his brothers(?). Pretty cool shit.
bleo ... trippy site. some weird shit.
plants>humans ... hell yes. i want you to make chip hop 24/7
timbaland lol
whats with all that glitch, people
cats ... there is that 8bc torrent around, cats was in it ... high quality music, too much flying lotus for my tastes
killer beats are killer beats... that is the kind of thing im talking about, stylewise
need more druqs for that glitch chip hop stuff
fuck it, im gonna make my own chip hop
well, stock up on that stuff before "bitches 2" comes out
Cats was a really good one, though I don't know where you'd find his stuff now 8bitcollective is down.
Oh maaan, I miss Cats. So much.
4mat i know his myspace where he posts mediafires but i forgot the url
it is saved on my other pc i think
My monorave entry was a hip-hop attempt: http://hexawe.bandcamp.com/track/empowe … by-vargero
Isn't strictly 'Chip hip hop' though a local hip-hop group called VT mixed some 8bit-esque sounds with more electronic sounds in this track on their recent album.
Last edited by CS (Nov 14, 2012 1:12 am)
Oh oh, NUCLACE is pretty hip to the hop.
edit: or should i say chip to the chop hurr
Last edited by SketchMan3 (Nov 14, 2012 2:45 am)
Oh oh, NUCLACE is pretty hip to the hop.
edit: or should i say chip to the chop hurr
nuclace is awesome
chip chop that chip hop shit
or sumthin
Just got this dude Marcus D's new album called Retro'd, it's pretty dope. He is a hip hop producer, but this album is a bunch remixes of SNES games (and a couple random non SNES things). It's on the more chill side of hip hop instrumentals, so check it out if that's your thing.
dj salinger makes the best chip hip hop, but all his shit went off line. here:::