Freiburg, Germany

How does BGB 1.4 compare to Gambatte? Has it surpassed its Sound emulation? (i.e. would it be worth to install Windows just for this?)


@nitro2k01 nope the outputed file is no good sad its probably me i knoew but what am i doing wrong?

NC in the US of America
kimbersprophet wrote:

@nitro2k01 nope the outputed file is no good sad its probably me i knoew but what am i doing wrong?

It's funny. When I use BGB with WINE on my Linux machine, I can do all kinds of stuff that causes the audio to mess up and skip, but the wav output file comes out perfectly fine.

Have you tried changing your "Graphics>output" settings?


Oh and another thing, make sure you actually have the latest version. Go download it again.


I've got the latest version I will try playing with my settings more

Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

In re: to the clicking when panning, I can confirm that the new version does emulate the clicking where previous versions did not. I now have installed the new version and an old version so I can get clicks or no clicks depending on the application.