does anyone know if theres a way of getting lsdj and lgpt to play in time with each other (i am using 2 psp phats)
Play start at the same time.
Game boy with midi?
yeah, no psp sync options exist for piggy... need to use a laptop or the gp2x with a piggy midi box... cheapest solution is laptop and a nanoloop usb midi adapter instead of the arduinoboy
whats your idea? phrases on lgpt and some lsdj instruments in between?
Pressing start at the same time works with lsdj x2 but piggy dosent stay intime i want piggy for mainly percussion and maybe resampling lsdj and glitcing the hell out of it
Actually its probably lsdj that is drifting. If you do the manual sync with two copies of pgpt it will stay in sync forever.
Yea piggy stays in sync with another piggy and lsdj stays in with another lsdj but thats not what i want do i relly have to find loads more cash to make it work
Use something like BeatCleaver ( ) to chop a recording of your lsdj song into measures, lay it out on a channel in your piggy project, BOOM!
Yea piggy stays in sync with another piggy and lsdj stays in with another lsdj but thats not what i want do i relly have to find loads more cash to make it work
Yep so just buy a gp2x, a gp2x midi adapter from kitschbent, and a arduinooy and get cracking.