I'm kindof new to this whole thing...but I needed somewhere to post the nintendocore I make where people might actually care? So give it a listen... https://soundcloud.com/macandcheeseboy/ … ge-preview it's not finished, but check it out
What software are you using? You should check out Wage Their Battle, their pretty sick https://soundcloud.com/wagetheirbattle
Last edited by snesei (Dec 29, 2012 1:26 am)
I dig it.
Do you have plans to add vocals to your tracks or are you keeping them instrumental?
It's a bit repetitive, But I definitely enjoy it!
You need to equalize your drums // Get rid of the clipping!
I haven't mixed it yet, and it'll seem less repetitive when I add the vocals. I promise.
Hard, I like it.
I know it's unmixed, but maybe chuck a compressor/limiter on the track before export? Should make sure nothings peaking, etc.
Keep it up!
Last edited by Calavera (Dec 29, 2012 4:50 am)
I dig it, it would be cooler with heavier chugs though. What are you using to produce?
I'm using noteflight.com to make all of my midi files, the for my DAW i use FL Studio 10. Also, I'm buying a DI box soon so I can record real instruments and record vocals, guitar will be doing all of the breakdowns, I tried to replicate it on FL studio, but it's simply not doing my breakdowns any justice. And thanks for the advice about the compressor/limiter...I'm very new to this, I just started like a month ago, so any advice helps!
And thanks for the advice about the compressor/limiter...I'm very new to this, I just started like a month ago, so any advice helps!
Pretty nice stuff for a month's worth. Limiters are great because you can set them to just under 0db and nothing will peak
That's awesome...upon hearing your advice I looked up some videos on using limiters and now my songs sound a lotttt better. I'm going to post a link to an updated version of my song
That's awesome...upon hearing your advice I looked up some videos on using limiters and now my songs sound a lotttt better. I'm going to post a link to an updated version of my song
That's awesome to hear!